Guide to Optional Modules and Consumables
Optional modules or equipment can be purchased and mounted on your vehicle to modify your tank's combat characteristics.
There are two broad categories of optional modules - fixed and consumables. Each vehicle has three slots for fixed equipment and three slots for consumables.
Presented here is a complete list of optional modules, both fixed and consumables, along with their price and characteristics.
Fixed Optional Equipment
Every vehicle may have up to three optional equipment. There are two main characteristics of optional equipment :-
- Removable.
- Non-removable.
Removable are equipment which can be un-mounted from one vehicle, and transferred to another vehicle. You can sell these optional modules just like any other equipment. Simply go to your depot and the option to sell them is there. The resale price is 50% of its original price. If you sell a tank with an optional module mounted, the module is sold together, and the price is also added into the vehicle's sale price. Once the tank is sold, all optional modules on the tank are sold together, and they will need to be purchased again separately if you still want them. It is advisable to remove all modules from a tank before selling it.
Non-removable are, as what the name implies - once mounted on a tank, they are permanent and cannot be freely transferred to another tank. You can still remove them, but it will cost you ten gold pieces. If you don't want to pay the gold, then un-mounting the module will destroy it in the process. Non-removable modules have the same 50% resale value of its original price.
All optional modules have certain characteristics, and some are specific to certain vehicle types. For example, the Air Filter (Improved Ventilation) can be mounted only on closed cabin vehicles. Some are specific only to Russian vehicles, and so on. The complete list is presented here.
In the column "Comments", is my opinion on the module as an Open Beta Tester with over 2,000 battles. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of other players or the developers.
Transferable |
Price |
Comments |
+25% to repair speed.
500,000 credits |
Useful for medium and heavy tanks, especially that they can be transferred around. |
Enhanced Gun Laying Drive
+10% to aiming speed.
10 gold
500,000 credits |
Must have for any SPG that you're serious about.
Recommended for TDs, medium and heavy tanks.
Not recommended for light tanks.
Coated Optics
+10% to view range, up to a maximum of 500 meters.
10 gold
500,000 credits |
Recommended for light tanks that are used for scouting (eg. Leopard). |
Binocular Telescope
+25% view range for stationary vehicle, up to 500 meters.
500,000 credits |
Useful only when stationary, so its best suited for SPG and tank destroyers. However I don't use this on my elite SPG or TD because I'd rather choose the Gun Rammer (+10% loading speed), Gun Laying Drive (+10% aiming speed) and Camo Net (+25% concealment). There's simply no more room for another module.
But because its transferable, I still use this on my non-elite TDs. To save cost, I'd sacrifice the Gun Laying Drive (+10% aiming speed) and choose Camo Net and Binoculars which are both transferable, so I could mount them on one TD to another while I climb the tech tree. Its also very useful for the Hetzer, which is super in Stealth, but short in view range (only 300 meters).
Limited use on tanks of any kind, as these are usually moving around.
Cyclone Filter
+50% to engine durability.
10 gold
500,000 credits |
Soviet tanks only.
I have found no use for this, especially that its non-transferable and steep price. Plus, the frequency of engine damage does not justify having this module. |
Gun Rammer
-10% loading time.
10 gold
200,000 credits upwards |
This is another must have for any SPG, TDs or heavy tanks that you're serious about.
Due to its cheap price, also recommended for medium and heavy tanks. A quicker firing rate has many times meant the difference between life and death - and it has saved my ass so many times, so I really like this module.
Not available for vehicles with small gun caliber (eg, certain light tanks).
"Wet" Ammo Rack
+50% ammo rack durability.
10 gold
200,000 credits upwards |
Reduces the likelihood of your ammo rack blowing up when you get hit.
This to me is another useless module.
Not available for vehicles with small gun caliber (eg, certain light tanks).
Camouflage Net
-25% to being detected when stationary.
100,000 credits |
Must have for any SPG and TD.
Due to its cheap price, and transferable status, this is usually the first module I purchase.
It is invaluable for stationary vehicles, such as SPG and TDs.
Not so useful for tanks as they're usually moving around, but since its transferable, I'd put it on anyway.
Spall Liner
+15% to armor protection from ramming and explosions.
10 gold
50,000 credits upwards |
The spall liner provides 15% protection from artillery fire. How sweet...
Cheap and nice to have for any vehicle, but more useful for medium and heavy tanks which are too slow to evade incoming artillery.
I don't think this is as useful for light tanks, because AP is usually used against a light tank's thin armor. And light tanks should use their speed to evade enemy artillery. Furthermore, due to their low hit points, one shot from an artillery is usually enough to cause critical damage to a light tank, if not kill it, with or without spall liner.
Improved Ventilation
+5% increase to all crew skill.
10 gold
50,000 credits upwards |
This is another very nice to have module as it increases all your crew's skill by 5%. This means that your commander can spot 5% further, your gunner aims 5% faster, loader works 5% faster, driver 5% more responsive and so on.
Recommended for all vehicle types.
I would actually prefer this over the Camo Net for my SU-26, because it gives me faster loading, aiming and further sight range. But unfortunately it can be mounted only on closed cabin vehicles.
It is cheap too, but can be mounted only on closed cabin vehicles.
Enhanced Suspension
+10% suspension load capacity.
10 gold
20,000 credits upwards |
I have found no use for this module. Once you upgrade your suspension, the load capacity is more than enough to outfit any equipment you place on the tank. |
Consumables are similar to Fixed Optional Modules, except that each time you use it, they are expended and will need to be purchased again. You also have three slots for Consumables, and they have unique characteristics - some requires gold to buy, some uses credits, and some are restricted to specific tanks.
There are some differences that you should know between consumables that are paid with gold, and those that are paid with credits.
All consumables may be sold at 50% of their original price. For those that are bought with gold, you will receive half the amount of credits than what you would receive from the equivalent gold exchange.
Also certain gold consumables such as Chocolate, Extra Rations and Cola are automatically activated at the beginning of a battle, so they are always consumed during every battle. Their effect lasts throughout the entire battle. The Automatic Fire Extinguisher is automatically activated when there is a fire. Consumables paid using credits need to be manually activated (by pressing its relevant hotkey).
To sell a consumable, un-mount it from your tank first, then go to your depot. All Consumables can be freely transferred to another vehicle.
Gold consumables are very useful and best used for critical battles, such as during clan wars or tournaments.
Consumables Paid by Credits
Auto-Activate |
Price |
Comments |
Small Repair Kit
Repairs a damaged module.
Manually activated.
3,000 credits |
This is my favorite. Its cheap and useful, so it sits in slot 4. When I get tracked, I simply press 4, then 5, and it immediately repairs my track. In a very short while, you'd be moving again. It works only once though, so if you get tracked again, then you'd just have to sit there until your crew repairs it.
This is a must have for me. |
Small First Aid Kit
Heals an injured crew member.
Manually activated.
3,000 credits |
This is my another of my favorite. Its cheap and useful, so it sits in slot 5. If your crew gets killed or injured, then this kit can bring him back from the dead and/or heal him instantly. If your gunner was killed, then your firing accuracy suffers. Activating this kit is an immediate relief.
Highly recommended.
Manual Fire Extinguisher
Extinguishes fire when activated.
Manually activated.
3,000 credits |
A very useful kit that is also cheap. How many times have your tank caught fire and burned to the ground? As artillery, I've set so many tanks on fire, and they eventually get destroyed by fire. This kit will many times be a life saver.
Highly recommended.
100-octane Gasoline
+5% to engine power and turret traverse speed.
Manually activated.
5,000 credits |
For German and US tanks only.
Not sure if I find this useful. A 5% increase in engine response and turret traverse doesn't get me excited.
Lend Lease Oil
+5% to engine power throughout the whole battle.
Manually activated.
5,000 credits |
For Soviet tanks only.
For me, this is another useless item. A 5% increase in engine response is pretty crappy. I'd rather have a 5% increase in gun loading speed, view range, or hit points, etc. But engine response?? No thanks.
Removed Speed Governer
+10% to engine power but damages the engine.
Manually activated.
5,000 credits |
For Soviet tanks only.
For me, its not useful at all.
Consumables Paid by Gold
Auto-Activate |
Price |
Comments |
Large Repair Kit
Repairs all damaged modules.
Manually activated.
50 gold |
A useful kit indeed. Once activated by pressing its hotkey, it repairs all modules immediately.
Probably a must have for clan and tournament battles. |
Large First Aid Kit
Heals all injured crew members.
Manually activated.
50 gold |
A useful kit indeed. Once activated by pressing its hotkey, its restores all your crew.
Probably a must have for clan and tournament battles. |
+10% to all crew skills through the end of the battle.
Auto activated at battle start.
50 gold |
Another very useful item. A plus 10% increase in view range, gun loading speed, aiming speed, etc.. Just superb, except for its high price.
Auto-activated at beginning of battle, so it is always consumed after the battle.
A must have for clan and tournament battles.
For German vehicles only. |
Extra Combat Rations
+10% to all crew skills through the end of the battle.
Auto activated at battle start. |
50 gold |
Really cool stuff. Does what the chocolate does, except this is for Soviet vehicles only.
Auto-activated at beginning of battle, so it is always consumed after the battle.
A must have for clan and tournament battles.
For Soviet vehicles only. |
Case of Cola
+10% to all crew skills through the end of the battle.
Auto activated at battle start. |
50 gold |
Same as Chocolate and Extra Combat Rations, except this is for US vehicles only.
Auto-activated at beginning of battle, so it is always consumed after the battle.
A must have for clan and tournament battles.
For US vehicles only. |
Automatic Fire Extinguisher
-10% chance of fire. Extinguishes fire automatically.
Auto activated when there is a fire.
50 gold |
Nice to have, but preference goes to the Repair kit and First Aid kit over this. |
105-octane Gasoline
+10% to engine power and turret traverse speed.
Auto activated at battle start.
50 gold |
You can make your own conclusions about this. For me, its not a very useful item.
For German and US gasoline engines only.
Auto-activated at beginning of battle, so it is always consumed after the battle. |